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Writer's pictureNarelle Niksic Photography

Join me on the journey of 2015

Well I have butterflies in my tummy as I right this post. This is me, the person behind Narelle Niksic Photography. What's the reason for the butterflies you ask??? I don't do in front of the camera well. Self concious of do I look ok, argh, those bags under my eyes and best yet. That lazy eye I have. Just some of the things that make me cringe about myself. But I want those pics, I need to know how you feel when your put in front of my lens.

2014 has been a year of big change for me. I have been blessed with the gift of time. My baby girl started kinder this year, we moved to a new town, I quit my job, oh and I took up studying photography! Yep, quite frankly I really didn't like being an assistant and I just wanted to spend time with my family, take G to kinder and follow my passion.

My passion is photography, but passion alone doesn't drive me. What drives me is capturing a moment for the mum who hasn't had a hug so tight from her baby boy, who is now turning into a young man seeing her heart just melt when he wraps his arms around her. Or the babie's face that just lights up a room when she smiles.

I have taken a lot of photographs this year and happy to say I have captured a lot of these moments and this is what drives me. When I finished up my real job (as I like to say) a lot of people told me "yes you need to love photography, it's all about getting as many clients as you can making money and running a small business," which I am hopeless at by the way! And I'm not afraid to say it out loud. But I will get there..

For the moment I like to take my time, get to know my clients and capture those special times for them.

My 2015.... I want those photographs that I bring my clients, I need to get in front of the camera a little more. My kiddies need to see images of me as well as their family.

And of course I want to continue to bring you those photos that bring a tear to your eye when you look at them for the first time and always remember how you felt in that very moment when you looked at your favourite photo.

It's been a real journey and I have grown so much as a person and photographer and look forward to the year ahead.

So what lies ahead for your 2015? Don't be afraid to take the plunge, do something different. The people you will meet along the way and your own strength with surprise you.

Happy New Year xoxo

PS Join me along the journey of 2015 and no longer be scared of the self timer on your camera!


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