The moment you receive your gallery. You open it for the first time, take a deep breath, gasp and get completely drawn into what is currently up on your screen.
You look through the memories in front of you, drawn into every image, every memory, every moment. You reflect on those moments and images and how they make you feel. How you felt then. Suddenly, there is a tear in your eye as a wave of emotion comes over you all while you are looking at what is right there in front of you.
Tonight, as I finished off the gallery for these beautiful sisters and their mumma bear I felt a wave of emotion and excitement. So much so, I felt compelled to share a little of their story and a give you a peak inside their gallery.
I feel proud and honoured to have captured their memories and moments. It's just past midnight and while I should be tucked up in bed asleep, there is no way I can sleep. My excitement and energy levels from finishing off and sending them their gallery are just way too high to sleep. This is how I know what I do is my passion.
A picture, a memory, a moment captured is priceless.
This is their story: